Full Lineup will be Annnounced Soon

But for now, just know that

The Good Luck Thrift Store Outfit

will be there in full force!

Sign up for Lineup Announcements Below!

The Good Luck Thrift Store Outfit is celebrating 20 years of making music! That’s why we’re throwing this celebration! All the core members, Taylor Webster, Willy Tea Taylor, Chandler Pratt, Chris Doud, Matt Cordano and Aaron Burtch will be on hand. Yes, Chandler is flying in from across the pond, and long-time contributing axeman Ben Reisdorf will be joining in on a few as well! We will be doing something we have never attempted before; playing both acclaimed studio releases in their entirety on consecutive nights. A first time ever performance of The Ghost of Good Manners will be the Friday night main stage showcase, and a first time ever performane of Old Excuses will be the Saturday night main stage showcase.